| 1. | In 1979 china became the first country to launch a one-child family program . 1979年,中国成为第一个推行“一个家庭只生一个孩子”计划的国家。 |
| 2. | ( 4 ) the students from divorced family and not one - child family have less self - esteem than others ( 4 )离异家庭子女的自尊显著低于非离异家庭;独生子女的自尊显著的高于非独生子女。 |
| 3. | " the government should encourage couples from one - child families to have a second child and should provide better welfare services . “政府应鼓励‘双独’家庭生第二胎,并应为他们提供更好的福利保障。 ” |
| 4. | The serious fact is that one - child family is the risky one , one - child family dominated society is the risky one also 独生子女家庭本质上是风险家庭,独生子女社会本质上是风险社会,一个人口学意义的风险社会正不依我们的意志为转移而在形成和发展中。 |
| 5. | There are more and more one - child families . there are very important relations between the way of family nurture and their children ' s self - confidence 当代独生子女的家庭越来越多,家庭的教养方式对于青少年的成长,特别是对中专生的自信心的培养有着重要的内在关系。 |
| 6. | " the government should encourage couples from one - child families to have a second child and should provide better welfare services , which would promote population sustainability . ” hou said “政府应鼓励‘双独’家庭生第二胎,并应为他们提供更好的福利保障, ”侯教授说, “这有利于促进人口的可持续发展。 ” |
| 7. | " with both parents coming from one - child families , these couples will bear full responsibility for looking after their parents and children , " said duan . " as a result , many prefer even having no children to having two . 不过,很多符合条件的家庭并不愿多生,原因是独生子夫妇本已担负着赡养四位老人和一个孩子的三重责任,他们不愿为再添一丁承受更大的家庭压力。 |
| 8. | At present , most children are in one - child families , they do not have many places and opportunities to play and affiliate with other children . some children ' s morality development and mental health are affected by this situation 特别是现在的儿童,大部分是独生子女,在家中缺少与他们交流的兄弟姐妹,再加上单门独户的居住环境,使儿童游戏、交往的场所和机会都明显地减少了,这种情况竟影响到一些儿童的品德发展和心理健康。 |
| 9. | Through the theoretical analysis and investigational research , the results indicated : ( 1 ) the students of one - child family or whose family has more income were better on self - value than those who was not only - one child or whose family has less income , but there was no significant difference among those on self - acceptance . the higher the parents " educational level , the better their children accept themselves 研究结果发现: ( 1 )独生子女的自我评价显著高于非独生子女;家庭收入越高的孩子,越倾向于做出较高的自我评价,但在总体的自我接纳上,独生与否及家庭收入的高低对个体的影响并未形成显著差异;父母受教育水平在大学以上者,其子女的自我接纳水平明显的高于受教育水平在高中以下者。 |